Dr. Matthew P. McKay

Schl of Earth Enviro and Sustain
Postal mail
Missouri State University
Schl of Earth Enviro and Sustain
901 S. National Ave.
- PhD, Geology, 2015, West Virginia University
- MS, Geology, 2011, University of Alabama
- BS, Geology, 2009, University of Alabama
- GLG 110 Physical Geology
- GLG 340 Structural Geology
- GLG 412 Field Geology of the Mid-Continent
- GLG 413 Field Geology (summer field course)
- GLG 676 Geosciences Computing
Professional experience
- Geological Survey of Alabama (2014-2016): Field geologist
- Geological Society of America: member
Research and professional interests
- Field geology
- Tectonics
- Structural geology
- Clastic and volcanic stratigraphy
- Metamorphic petrology
- Spatial learning
Recent publications
- McKay, M.P., Stowell, H.H., Gray, K.D., Schwartz, J.J., Bollen, E., (in press) Metamorphism records thrust faulting during prolonged terrane accretion: Sm-Nd garnet and U-Pb zircon geochronology and P-T paths from the Salmon River suture zone, west-central Idaho, Lithosphere.
- Fildani, A., McKay, M.P. , Stockli, D.F., Clark, J.D., Weislogel, A.L., Dykstra, M., Hessler, A.M., (2016) The ancestral Mississippi drainage archived in the late Wisconsin Mississippi deep-sea fan, Geology, vol. 44 (6), p. 479-482.
- McKay, M.P., Coble, M., Hessler, A.M.,Weislogel, A.L., Fildani, A. (2016), Petrogenesis and provenance of distal, airfall tuffs in the Permian-Triassic Karoo Basin, South Africa: a window into a dissected, magmatic province, Geosphere, v. 12 (1).
- McKay, M.P., Weislogel, A.L., Fildani, A., Brunt, R., Hodgson, D., Flint, S. (2015), U-PB zircon tuff geochronology from the Karoo Basin, South Africa: implications of zircon recycling on stratigraphic age controls, International Geology Review, vol. 57 (4), pp. 393-410.
Awards and honors
- CNAS Student Nominated Award for Faculty/Staff Excellence, Missouri State University, 2019
- Outstanding Graduate Mentor, Missouri State Graduate College, 2018