How do you get a school advisor?
Declare your major in one of our undergraduate programs. Then, we’ll assign you an advisor.
Your advisor will have knowledge in your interest areas.
Need help finding an advisor?
Contact us, our offices are in Blunt Hall, third floor.
Forgot who your assigned advisor is?
Access your advisor's information through the Student tab on My Missouri State.
Meet for class registration
Until you have completed 75 hours, you must meet with your advisor each semester to receive release for class registration.
Afterward, you should meet with your advisor at least once each semester until you graduate.
Want to add a certificate to your program, change your major or minor?
Visit the CNAS Student Success Center in Blunt Hall 107.
A CNAS Success Center advisor us able to assist you with adding certificates to your program or assisting you with other questions you may have to successfully complete your program. You may try this QR code as well.
Graduate advising
Dr. Gary Michelfelder is the Director of Graduate Studies in SEES. However, you may be assigned an additional member of the graduate faculty who will act as your mentor and consultant for your specific area of study in successfully completing your degree or program.